
HuntMania is an event organization created by Norwegianmapdesigner and Jonniboy. Our goal is to create and host Trackmania events that the players of TrackMania can enjoy, both professional players, fun players and beginners. Our events are mainly based on TimeAttack at the moment, but in the future we're planning on hosting events in cupmode aswell.

Our Team

We are a small team consisting of...



Or also called NMD. I'm 21 years old and currently taking a bachelor in Management at university. I have been the leader for all students at college and also been the leader for all youth in my hometown. So I enjoy being in charge, create events and improve things that makes people enjoy things even more, both in real life and online.

My job in HuntMania is to create events,  make sure that the info about the events get out in the public and organizing events. Since the events are growing I also do the work with getting sponsors for our events. The first event I created was Weekly Short Hunt in March 2015 and it became a success. It was hosted three season in 2015 and it was voted the Best Project of the Year 2015 on TMX by the users. I also make all tracks for Weekly Short Hunt and probly gonna make some maps for the other events that we're gonna host.



I'm a german student currently working towards my High School graduation. As you can imagine probably, I'm very interested in information technology and server administration. To extend my horizons, I'm part of some projects, like HuntMania.

As Norwegianmapdesigner, my job in HuntMania is creating events, too. But unlike to NMD, I'm more responsible for the technical aspects. So I created this web page and I'm hosting and administrating the Trackmania servers for our events in Trackmania Forever. Also I'm the coder of the xAseco plugin which calculates the points and organizes the teams in our tournaments.